Threats and Solutions

Wild cats need three things to survive and thrive: safe space, plentiful prey and connection to other cats. Each day, wild cats face the dire threats of poaching, the illegal wildlife trade, human-cat conflict and habitat loss. Across the world, Panthera, our partners and our supporters are giving critically threatened cat populations a new chance at life. To ensure a future filled with wild cats, we invite you to join our movement to prioritize and protect wild cats.

With focus, dedication and a commitment to our core values, we:

  • Protect wild cats, their prey and their habitats through anti-poaching patrols and advanced remote monitoring technology such as PoacherCams;
  • Combat the illegal wildlife trade by reducing the demand for wildlife products and supporting government efforts to disrupt their preparation, transportation and sale;

  • Help people live peacefully alongside wild cats by safeguarding their livestock from carnivore attacks and creating sustainable livelihoods; and

  • Ensure wild cats can roam freely by protecting their habitats from land use conversion and degradation, safeguarding wildlife corridors and building wildlife-friendly infrastructure.

Every one of Panthera's programs is guided by the rigorous monitoring of wild cats, their prey and the most urgent threats to their survival.